Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fuckin''s his time now !!

What the fuck!!
What the fuck!!
What the fuck!!

Three years, three times;
the mind got fucked, the soul got fucked,
the family got fucked, the friends got fucked,
every emotion got fucked.

Tension & Tolerance test brings out
the right quality; we all know this,
as we live in the world where
everything goes through this test
to keep itself breathing in this world,
but God has said, whatever you do,
comes back to you, so this tension test comes back to humans as well.

Keeping apart what everyone else has faced,
this fucked man has found pain under his skin as well.
Behind his giggling, his laughter,
even behind the most cherishable thing he did,
he could see the tail of this spectre.

Who knows the pain of the ball hitting the stumps
and the bail not getting knocked off better than the bowler,
but I bet that this man knows.
He knows the pain of getting fucked three times
and still not conceiving.

But as you say every 'fuckee' (the one who gets fucked) has his day,
he knew that his day will also come,
he knew that one day this 'fuckee' will get
promoted to be a 'fucker',
my dear friend that day has come.
And now it would be his rules which will govern
the fuckin' business of the 'soul tribulators'.

Now it's time to say -

I will fuck,
I will fuck,
I will fuck...not just three times long!!!


Who am I? said...

Mind Blowing yaar.... amazing piece of writing..... BEST OF ALL ... coz i know who it is intended for...:) :)

TedCode said...

'Sope.. that's the spirit of the strong willed! Hope the day dawns when we can say that the last three lines are our mantra too.. :)