Monday, August 25, 2008

Aug 22; Day (-3)

Its been a long time since i have visited the blog again. Ok, atleast there has been so many things happening that i have something to write.

16-17 Aug was the Alumni meet of out college. On 16th we again visited Area 51, this time i tooo had a beer. But since the no. of people from out batch were not much and so was the overall crowd so despite having a better DJ the fun level was lesser than the one on fresher’s party. Nevertheless we njoyed.

I was volunteering for the ARC team in the logistics. Thankfully did a good amount of work.
Just yesterday only i finally had rendezvous with my brother. We njoyed a lot, drank a lot. This was the first time i had with my brother, it was a real merryment.

Now for the time being iam really busy as there would be no offs even on thursdays. A very hectic schedule for us since the exams have got advanced. Amidst of this much of activity lets see how much time do i find now.
See you then.

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